Tuesday May 5th has been dubbed ‘Giving Tuesday Now’ - a day to raise awareness and support for struggling nonprofits across the US.
On Tuesday, May 5th, at 9 AM, KBOO will host a Giving Tuesday Special, featuring non-profit organizers talking about their strife and Triumphs through the crisis of COVID19. Find out what's happening in your community.
We’ll hear from Street Roots, Voz Workers’ Rights and Education Project, APANO – the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon, UNITE Oregon, which works with Immigrants and Refugees in the state, and the Municipal Eco-Resiliency Project, working for food justice and sovereignty.
Links to community groups and resources:
VOZ - Workers Rights and Education Project - COVID19 Response
-Voz GoFundMe for Worker Solidarity Fund
APANO - apano.org
-APANO COVID19 Resources Page
-Where to report a bias incident/hate crime: ReportHatePDX.com
Street Roots Digital Edition
MERP - Municipal Eco-Resiliency Project
KBOO is currently raising funds to make up for having had to cancel our spring membership drive.
If you donate online today, your donation will be matched up to $20,000. So please, go to our website and support this community radio station.