With Black Portlanders Already at Higher Risk of Drowning, Portland Moves to Close Columbia Pool Amid Cuts to Parks and Recreation.


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Air date: 
Mon, 08/26/2019 - 9:00am to 10:00am
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Portland Moves to Cut and Privatize Parks and Recreation

Is Portland is poised to begin privatizing pools, parks and recreation centers? Field Mole Desiree Hellegers talks with union organizers, activists and community members--including actor and jazz and Gospel singer  Marilyn Keller-- about the pending loss of 70 union jobs, and slaed closure of area preschools,  and Columbia Pool in North Portland.  Find out what the stakes are and how you can help keep Portland parks, pools and rec centers public and join the campaign to SAVE COLUMBIA POOL.

The Campaign to Save Columbia Pool will be hosting a day long free concert in Columbia Park on September 28 beginning at noon. More information coming soon.

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