White born-again or evangelical Christians and white Catholics strongly supported Donald Trump for president. To what extent does this vote represent Christian values? What would happen if Jesus were in the White House? What would be our priorities as a nation if the values of the historical Jesus guided our budget and our actions and ethics? Ursuline College Professor, Gina Messina, asks these questions and talks with host John Shuck about her book, Jesus in the White House: Make Humanity Great Again.
Gina Messina is Associate Professor of Religion and Gender Studies at Ursuline College and Co-founder of Feminism and Religion. Gina is the author or editor of five books including Rape Culture and Spiritual Violence, co-editor (with Rosemary Radford Ruether) of Feminism and Religion in the 21st Century, and Co-editor Faithfully Feminist: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Feminists on Why We Stay.