David Wann is an author, filmmaker, and speaker on the topic of sustainable lifestyles and designs. His newest book is The New Normal: An Agenda for Responsible Living. His previous book, Simple Prosperity, is a sequel to the best-selling book he coauthored, Affluenza, which is now in 9 languages.
David received a Master’s degree from University of Colorado, in Environmental Science. When he walked into the placement office to see what could be done with his new degree, he said “I’ve been a writer since second grade ... Is there any way to combine that with something in the environmental field?” Presto, he spent ten years at EPA, where he made some great friends and learned how to write everything from press releases and feature articles to documentary scripts.
David has produced 20 videos and TV programs, including the award-winning TV documentary “Designing a Great Neighborhood,” about the Holiday neighborhood in Boulder, CO. David is president of the Sustainable Futures Society and a Fellow of the National Simplicity Forum. He worked more than a decade as a policy analyst for U.S. EPA and co-designed the co-housing neighborhood where he lives, in Golden, CO.