ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth, Part 2 - Energy Literacy with Tom Butler
During the month of February, Locus Focus presents a series of programs inspired by a new book from the Foundation for Deep Ecology and the Post-Carbon Institute: ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth. ENERGY takes an unflinching look at the systems that support our insatiable thirst for more power along with their unintended side effects. From oil spills, nuclear accidents and mountaintop-removal coal mining, to natural gas "fracking" and renewables, ENERGY illustrates that every source of energy has costs. On this episode of Locus Focus we talk with Tom Butler, co-editor of ENERGY, about why we must all become energy literate and learn how to reduce energy consumption, if we are to save human civilization as we know it.
A Vermont-based activist and writer, Tom Butler is the board president of the Northeast Wilderness Trust and the former longtime editor of Wild Earth journal. His books include Wildlands Philanthropy, Plundering Appalachia and ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth.