ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth, Part 4 - Fighting Gas and Oil Development in Montana's Rocky Mountain Front
During spring pledge drive, Locus Focus is continuing a series of programs inspired by a new book from the Foundation for Deep Ecology and the Post-Carbon Institute: ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth. On this episode of Locus Focus we look at the threat posed by oil and natural gas development to pristine areas along the Rocky Mountain Front of Montana, with Gloria Flora, a former forest supervisor for the Lewis & Clark National Forest, who defied convention by declaring the area off-limits to oil and gas development. We'll hear how her unorthodox approach to forest management added a definitive new twist to the interplay between community groups, the fossil fuel industry and the federal government.
Gloria Flora works for public land sustainability through her organization Sustainable Obtainable Solutions. She worked with the U.S. Forest Service for 23 years, serving as the Forest Supervisor for two national forests.