Black Girl in Suberbia


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Air date: 
Fri, 07/25/2014 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Melissa Lowery talks about her new film, Black Girl in Suberbia

This week we talk with Melissa Lowery, the filmmaker of Black Girl In Suburbia. "Black Girl In Suburbia is a feature documentary that looks into the experiences of black girls growing up in predominately white communities. It is a different look into suburbia from the perspective of women of color."

Delphine Criscenzo sat with Melissa Lowery a few days after the screening of the film at the North Portland Library, where the screening was followed by an incredible community discussion about the need to have this conversation. In this interview, Melissa explains her motivations for producing this film and the huge gap in knowledge about the experience of Black girls living in the suburbs.

Learn more about the Film Black Girl in Suburbia

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