The Crisis in Gaza as a result of the Fuel Shortage and the International Boycott of Sodastream


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Air date: 
Fri, 12/27/2013 - 9:00am to 10:00am
The Crisis in Gaza as a result of the Fuel Shortage and the International Boycott of Sodastream

Co-hosts Ned Rosch and Zaha Hassan interview Ziad Abbas from the Middle East Children Alliance and Mohammad Nabil, Palestinian student from Gaza, about the crisis in Gaza as a result of the fuel shortage.  Since November 1st, 1.8 million Gazans have had to make do with power outages that last 12 hours each day.  No fuel has meant that garbage trucks can’t make rounds to pick up trash and sanitation facilities can’t dispose and treat waste so that in parts of Gaza there is raw sewage flowing through communities while severe winter storms have meant ten thousand Gazans have had to relocate.  

Also on One Land Many Voices, local activist Tom Bell talks with Zaha and Ned about the international call for the boycott of Sodastream and leafletting efforts at local Macy's and Target store.

Photo of Ziad Abbas in Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Palestine by Pablo Pitcher Deproto. 
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