Karen James with Johneen Manno, an Oregon Certified Sex Offender Clinical Therapist, who specializes in the treatment of adjudicated, mandated adult males and females who have been convicted of a sexual offense. Ninety-three percent of Oregon’s prison population return to their communities at some point. Those returning include people convicted of a sex crime. According to the Oregon State Police, there are over 19,000 registered sex offenders in Oregon. Of these, 4% are highest risk to reoffend and are posted to the state police website. Many people convicted of a sexual offense want to change their behaviors and seek treatment in our communities. Johneen dispels myths and public misperceptions about sex offenders and explains her whole-systems approach to treat such offenders. She’ll tell about the lost opportunity to educate a SE Portland community after the neighborhood’s harsh criticism forced her to move her clinic.
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers http://atsa.com/