A Deeper Look on 01/10/13


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Thu, 01/10/2013 - 9:30am to 10:00am
The War in Afghanistan, A Failure on All Fronts: Interview Dr. Zaher Wahab

It’s been snowing in Afghanistan and 3 year old Janan died last Friday night. The first to Freeze to death this winter in Kabul’s rag tag refugee camps. The United States spends 10 billion dollars a month on the Afghanistan War. A war that Prof. Zhaer Wahab calls a Failure on all fronts. Join me Linda Olson-Osterlund for A Deeper Look, this Thursday morning at 9:30. My guest is Dr Zaher Wahab back from his work with teacher training in Afghaistan. Tune in to hear his unique and important perspective on Afghanistan 11 years into the War.

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