Labor Radio on 10/29/12


Produced by: 
Air date: 
Mon, 10/29/2012 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Labor radio election special

On October 29, 2012, Fifth Monday Labor Radio on KBOO will have an hour long show, from 6-7pm, to provide listeners with a forum for Third Party Candidates.


Tim's picture

<p><img src="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/reporter/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.png" alt=""><em><font size="5"><strong><font color="#ff0000">In October and November:</font> <font color="#0000ff"><br>
Voices in Action: Human Rights on Film!</font><br>
</strong></font><strong><a href="" title="" target="_blank"> <hr>
</a></strong></em><a href="" title="" target="_blank"><br>
</a><em><strong><font size="4"><strong>On October 29, 2012, <a href="" title="" target="_blank">Fifth Monday Labor Radio</a></strong><a href="" title="" target="_blank"> on KBOO</a><br>
will have an hour long show, from 6-7pm</font>, "Third Party Choices in 2012,"&nbsp; to p<font size="4">rovide listeners with exposure, <strong>a forum, and discussion with advocates for Third Party Alternatives.</strong></font><a href="" title="" target="_blank"><font size="4"> </font><br>
<div><font size="2"><br>
<strong><img alt="" title="" src="" align="left" width="106" height="128">Michael Meo, </strong>(at left) will tell us about<strong> <img alt="" title="" src="" align="right" width="86" height="129">Jill Stein</strong> (at right) and how the <br>
<em><strong><font color="#009900">Pacific Green Party</font></strong></em> addresses issues for everyday people.&nbsp; <br>
<strong><img alt="" title="" src="" align="left" width="116" height="116">Rocky Anderson</strong> (left) may call in at 6:30, or we will have a local representative of the <font color="#9900cc"><strong><em>Justice Party</em></strong></font> in the studio to field questions. <br>
The show will include&nbsp;<strong>Dan Meek</strong> (<font color="#ff3300"><strong><em>Independent</em></strong></font>), <strong><img alt="" title="" src="" align="right" width="88" height="124"><br>
Seth Woolley </strong>(at right) (<font color="#009900"><strong><em>PG</em></strong></font>), <br>
<strong>Bob Wolfe</strong> (<font color="#33ccff"><strong><em>Progressive</em></strong></font>), <br>
and <img alt="" title="" src="" align="left" width="100" height="100"><strong>Steve Hughes </strong>(at left)<strong>&nbsp;</strong> (<font color="#663300"><em><strong>Working Families Party</strong></em></font>),<br>
&nbsp; in the studio.&nbsp; If you are a candidate for a third party <br>
or willing to speak on behalf of third party candidates <br>
issues, or platforms:, please contact us <br>
at your earliest convenience. <br>
Call Tim prior to show at 503-697-1670, <br>
</font><img alt="" title="" src="" align="left" width="142" height="142"><font size="2"><a href=" title=""><img alt="" title="" src="" align="left" width="140" height="144"></a></font><font size="2"><img alt="" title="" src="" align="left" width="92" height="144"></font><font size="2">or to call in on Monday<font size="2">,&nbsp;<br>
</font></font><font size="2"><font size="2">October 29, during the show: <br>
</font></font><font size="2"><font size="2">KBOO's number<br>
</font></font><font size="2"><font size="2">for call-in programs is <br>
<font color="#ff0000"><strong>503 231 8187</strong></font>.</font><br>
</font><font size="2"><a href=" title=""><br></a></font></div>
<p><font size="2">Tim, Lane, &amp; Mike at left</font><font size="2"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>

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