Positively Revolting on 10/29/10


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Air date: 
Fri, 10/29/2010 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Celebrating Samhain-- Celtic New Year: Ani speaks with local author Lichen June on transformations.

Samhain (aka Halloween) is a time of endings, of death, and of deep transformation-- as every ending carries inside it a new beginning.  Many of us fear this sort of profound changes, and painfully clutch to our past, because it is all we know.  Some who seek transformation still try to retain rigid control, fearing chaos and loss of agency.

When we find examples of this cyclical transformation in the natural world, we can more clearly understand the importance and balance made possible through that process.  Through that enhanced understanding, we can learn to trust that endings are freeing, not to be put off or feared. 

Consciously connecting with that natural cycle is a way of living spirituality in daily life, while finding an example to trust in process-- trust through transitions, letting go.

Your calls are encouraged.  Call the studio at 503-231-8187, and let us know how you are tapping into the powers of transformation, and this magical season.

With best wishes to all for rich new year.


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