The Bike Show on 12/02/09


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Air date: 
Wed, 12/02/2009 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Taking stock of the State of Bicycling in Portland and a closer look at the 2030 Bicycle Plan

As the year comes to a close and many changes are upon us from new Morrison Bridge access for cyclists to a new executive director of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA), we take a closer look at the State of Bicycling in Portland. 

We'll be joined by Roger Geller, City Bicycle Coordinator in the Office of the Director and creator of the Bicycle Master Plan.  The 2030 Bicycle Plan is the crystal ball to the future of cycling and the city's goals. We'll talk with him about where we are now and where the city hopes to be by 2030.

Also joining us will be a representative from the BTA to bring us their own version of where they see Portland now and what they hope to see in the new plan.

Are we dreaming too big or not big enough? Have we got all we need or is this only the beginning?

Join us for an in-depth discussion and bring your own questions, concerns and vision of the future of Portland transportation.



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