Israeli Divestment / Ending North American/Turtle Island colonization panel, PSU 02-24-15


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Tue, 02/24/2015 - 12:00am
Native American/Palestinian panel 02-24-15
This is a recording, in it's entirty, of the panel hosted by Portland State University on Tuesday 02/24/2015, panel guests were:

Omar Barghouti, Palestinian intellectual and activist, co-founder of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Kanahus Manuel, warrior-activist from the Secwepemc Nation resisting pipelines and mining on indigenous lands in Canada
Cecilie Surasky, Deputy Director of Jewish Voice for peace

Dr. Michael Yellow Bird, Professor of Scociology and Director of Indigenous Tribal Studies at North Dakota State University

Barghouti is a cofounder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement - an international call to boycott companies with a stake in Israeli war and occupation until Palestinian demands for decolonization and return are met. In striking parallel to the dynamics of occupation and resource control enacted by the Israeli state against Palestinians, here in "North America"/Turtle Island indigenous peoples are waging an ongoing fight against environmental destruction and land dispossession. SUPER is honored to host the following panelists who will converse with Omar on themes of settler colonialism, war, land theft, racism, incarceration, border imperialism, indigenous resistance, cross-movement international solidarity, and visions for transcendent liberation.

Sponsored by: KBOO Community Radio, Friends of Sabeel North America, United Indian Students in Higher Education, Jewish Voice for Peace-PDX, Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, Rising tide, All African People's revolutuonary party - Portland, OR, Al-Nakba Awareness ProjectLuthernes for Peace in the Holy Lands, the Holy Land Ministry Team from Mission of Atonement Church, Portland Commitee for Human rights in the Phillippines, Portland ABC, Jericho Project, Collectiva de Migrantes, Tree of Life Educational Fund-West Coast, Oregon Fellowship of Reconciliation, Enlace


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