Investigative journalist Michael Ruppert found dead of apparent suicide


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Tue, 04/15/2014 - 12:00am
Investigative journalist Michael Ruppert dead of apparent suicide
Long time investigative journalist and former Los Angeles police officer Michael Ruppert has died of an apparent suicide at the age of sixty three.
Ruppert first gained notoriety in 1996 when he showed up at a contentious meeting with C-I-A director John Deutsch.
The news had just broken about the C-I-A’s involvement in trafficking cocaine in the black community throughout the nineteen eighties.
Michael Ruppert stood up during the question and answer session and said he had evidence of widespread involvement of the C-I-A in drug trafficking.
Here’s a recording of that 1996 town hall meeting.
The crack cocaine – C-I-A connection became the subject of multiple congressional investigations, and Ruppert’s allegations were proven correct.
But no prosecutions were ever made of c-i-a officials involved in the scheme.
Gary Webb, the San Jose Mercury News Reporter who first broke the story, was shunned by the media industry after the release of the story, and unable to get a job – but the facts of the story were never in question.
Webb committed suicide in 2004.
After the crack cocaine –C-I-A connection was exposed, Michael Ruppert became well known for his exposure of government conspiracies.
He questioned the official account of what happened in the september eleventh attacks, and became very involved in challenging the global oil industry.

His most recent book and movie were both called ‘Collapse’, documenting the impending collapse of modern capitalism because of the dependence on fossil fuels.  Here’s a clip of a 2010 interview with Michael Ruppert on KBOO, speaking with host Per Fagering.
Ruppert was found dead in his home in northern California this past Sunday of an apparent suicide.

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