The Left and the Law: Mohamed Mohamud and the FBI's manufacturing of terrorism



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Air date: 
Mon, 01/28/2013 - 12:00am
The Left & the Law on the Mohamud case, the FBI, and entrapment

Psychologist and Mole Jan Haaken and attorney Mike Snedeker discuss the case of Mohamed Mohamud. They consider the legal meanings of entrapment and the history of government use of entrapment in child pornography cases in the 1980s. Despite the wide public recognition of the extraordinary manipulation and pressure placed on the defendant by the FBI, the government typically wins such cases. Arguably, of the 150 recent prosecutions for terrorism charges, only three were pre-existing terrorist cells; most of the cases involved "equipment malfunction" as seen in the Mohamud case. Mike suggests that this manufacturing of cases serves to maintain the budget of the FBI rather than to keep America safe. Jan recommends the book The Terror Factory: Inside The FBI's Manufactured War On Terrorism.

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