APA Compass, Coalition of Communities of Color Report, June Schumann



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Fri, 10/07/2011 - 12:00am
APA Compass, Coalition of Communities of Color Report, June Schumann

APA Compass's Andrew Yeh interviews June Arima Schumann, co-chair for APANO's (Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon)'s board of directors.  Ms. Schumann discusses the extensive research that's been done over the past few years on people of color in Multnomah County, Oregon.

The report "Communities of Color in Multnomah County: An Unsettling Profile" was published by Ann Curry-Stevens of Portland State University and the Coalition of Communities of Color, after a couple years of intensive research.  Communities of color are 26.3% of Multnomah County's population, this number is growing much faster than of Whites, due to higher fertility and migration rates.  The report highlights disparities in education, income, unemployment, homelessness, crime, even civic engagement and pollitical participation, among many other attributes.  Community specific reports on the African American, African immigrant and refugee, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino, Native American, and Slavic communities are planned. 

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