Would you be content with just $10 million? How about a wealth cap!



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Air date: 
Thu, 09/01/2011 - 12:00am
Theresa Mitchell with the "news you're not supposed to know"

 Theresa Mitchell with the news you're not supposed to know takes a deeper look at the nuclear crisis at Fukishima. Radioactive steam from cracks under the ground are suggesting major earthquake damage. The molten core is still fissioning--getting hotter--suggesting a "China Syndrome." The equivalent of 158 hiroshima bombs of cesium have been released. Theresa also takes a look at creating a solidarity movement here in Portland and putting the tiny minority of the super rich on notice that we've had enough, we're not going to be exploited any more.  A cap on wealth -- ten million max!  How would that work?

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