How to Grow a Movement for Peace in the Middle East: Students at Portland State university are among the thousands of campus activists across the country mobilizing against US complicity in Israel's war on Gaza. On Monday April 29, Students United for Palestinian Rights (SUPER) held a protest and teach-in at PSU on the main floor of the School of Business in opposition to the School's close ties to Boeing, a major military defense supplier for Israel. Professor José Padin, who teaches in the Sociology Department at PSU, was among the faculty who spoke at the teach-in. He talked about the importance of thinking through tactics and of inclusiveness in building a strong social movement. Jan Haaken asks Padin to expand on those points in light of the occupation of the PSU library by other groups over subsequent days. Jan and José discuss what is happening nationally at campus protests and what activists might learn from earlier anti-war campaigns.
Photo by Mark McGuire and licensed for public use: https://markmcguire.substack.com/p/45-photography-is-a-political-act?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2