Comics Take on the News will March show will be a panel of Portland comedians to roast local news stories. Tune in Monday March 11th to hear hot takes and cold digressions of local and national news stories.
Comedians filling out March's panel are:
Rochelle Cote (@_rococote): Rochelle is a Portland-based comedian, podcaster, and artist with a penchant for potty humor. Bodies are weird and she needs to make that your problem too. She’s loves hanging with her cat, making messy art, and having strong feelings about very arbitrary things.
Ash Allen (@ashallencomedy): Ash is a writer, comic, and storyteller living in Portland, OR. Originally hailing from Mississippi, Ash talks about growing up as a barefoot lesbian in the woods, her gay grandma, what it was like working at a queer sex shop, and so much more. Two-time Moth StorySLAM winner, featured at the 2024 All Jane Comedy and Upper Left Festivals, you can find Ash sharing her unbelievable yet true tales in the PNW and beyond.
Jane Malone (@flickingjanecomedy): Jane Malone is an Oregon-based comedian, and the second-place winner of the 2020 Joking Bad: Portland’s Dirtiest Comedian Competition. She is a founding member of the Bad Girls Comedy Stand Up Troupe, has been featured at the Savage Henry Comedy Festival, the D.B. Cooper Comedy Festival, and her first Comedy-based comic book is now available for purchase online at MaloneyBologna.com and flickingjane.com