Flag of Chinookan People, via Wikimedia Commons.
Roben White hosts this episode of the Old Mole, in recognition of Indigenous People’s Day.
Free the Snake: Nimiipuu Mole Julian Ankney speaks with Julian Matthews, founder of Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment, coordinator of the Nimiipuu Canoe Project, and an advocate for freeing the Snake River, about how the damming of the Snake continues to impact Nimiipuu tribal sovereignty and why Indigenous-led resistance movements to protect watersheds are so crucial today.
Tribal Recognition: Lakota-Cheyenne Mole Roben White speaks with Chinook tribal council member Rachel Cushman about the devastating impact of the 2002 decision under George W. Bush to rescind the Chinook tribe's federal recognition and about the tribe's long struggle for justice.
Washington State University (Vancouver) events in celebration of Indigenous People's day:
- Wed. October 12: 12:05-1:20 in VLIB 261 and on Zoom
- "Federal Recognition and Indigenous Sovereignty," featuring Sam Robinson, Vice Chairman of the Chinook Indian Tribe, and Lana Jack, Celilo Wyam activist, speaking respectively on the Chinook and Celilo Wyam struggles for self-determination. Moderated by Roben White, Lakota-Cheyenne activist.
- In-person in VLIB 261, or on Zoom at https://tinyurl.com/bdde92rm Meeting ID: 983 7749 8753 Passcode: FederaRec
- Thurs. October 13: 10:35-11:50 in VLIB 260 and on Zoom
- "Free the Snake and Nimiipuu Canoe Project, A Healing Journey," featuring Julian Matthews of Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment. Facilitated by Julian Ankney, Coordinator of Native Programs.
- In-person in in VLIB 260, or on Zoom at https://wsu.zoom.us/j/91407655014?pwd=dUd0VklQYXJsUkRwbngyQ0xmUzRTZz09 Meeting ID: 914 0765 5014 Passcode: FreeTSnake
- Thurs. October 13: 12:05 to 1:20 in VLIB 260 and on Zoom
- “Heart of the Monster, Nimiipuu Creation Story,” with Julian Ankney, Coordinator of Native Programs.
- In-person in in VLIB 260, or on Zoom at https://wsu.zoom.us/j/95995229375?pwd=NUZUNW5tZHVJcU9RaFZOT0tBRkNGdz09 Meeting ID: 959 9522