Episode Seven - A Research Capacity: The Work of the CHD



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Air date: 
Fri, 01/01/2021 - 7:45am to 8:00am

In Episode Seven we learn about the surveillance wing of the Coalition for Human Dignity. Interviews were with Jason, Devin Burghart, Jonathan Mozzochi, Leonard Zeskind, Abby Layton, Seven Gardiner, M Treloar and Cecil Prescod.


Show Notes - https://itdidhappenherepodcast.com/shownotes/ShowNotesEpisode7.pdf

Transcript - https://itdidhappenherepodcast.com/transcripts/episode7_transcript.html


Episode Seven credits

Producers: Celina Flores, Erin Yanke, Mic Crenshaw

Editors: Erin Yanke and Icky A.

Interviews for this episode: Annette Newell, Claire Rischiotto, Ceina Flores, and Erin Yanke

Story editors: Celina Flores, Erin Yanke, Icky A., Mic Crenshaw, Moe Bowstern

Visual archivist: Julie Perini

Mastering: Colin Casserd

Music: Anitek from the Free Music Archive, and Neo Boys.

Thanks to: Pete Deegan

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