Here's a Public Service Announcement for the Transportation Security
Administration.... Find out about exciting career opportunities at the TSA...
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Uncork a fifth, smoke an eighth and give a second listen to 6 of the best of
'10- the ninth year of Sudden Radio.
Featured selections (and approximate start time):
I Am Always Searching
Lady Sadie's Secret Pleasure (6:00)
Lunch Stop (12:20)
Umbrella Boy (25:25)
Class of Infin...
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Radio Theater Spotlight for December
Shining a light of truth, justice, and The American way into the dark corners
of your radio
-Alexander Lumiere of the Sudden Radio Project shares "The Boiler Blows"
-Rolf Semprebon of the Ubu Hour shares "Christmis-ery"
-Todd Greblo of t...
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Here is the audio of the pirate radio station that interrupted the KBOO
air-signal during the UBU HOUR. Evidentally these pirates were broadcasting
from the Willamette River, with this 24-hour radio broadcast for pirates..
Pirate news and music..
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Cochlear-focused whimsy rides cresting waves of nothingness into the void...
Featured Pieces (+start times)
Too Much Sand (2:00)
Lunch Stop (26:30)
So Thankful (43:00)
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Radio Theater Spotlight for November 8, 2010 shines a beacon of
Truth, Justice and the American Way onto the
Willamette Radio Workshop
Presented for your enjoyment:
"Through the Turnstyles" by Carol Dane
"The Outsider" by HP Lovecraft - adapted by Joe Medina
"The Shadow" Liv...
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Dr. Nein has a new diabolical scheme, and a counterpart.
The Sudden Radio cast get caught in the catacombs under KBOO trying to save
one of their own.
Kerns wigs out.
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THE UBU HOUR brings you a radio theatrical adaptation of Samuel Coleridge's
long poem THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER, about death aboard a
ship.. Produced by Joe Clement and performed by Dave Slacker, Mel, Rolf,
Herb, Helen, and Joe.
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The Ubu Hour reached a new low this Membership Drive with the following
pledge pitch, which sounds more like the come-on to a phone sex line than to
become a member of a community radio station. Heavy breathing and moaning,
creaking bed springs, seductive voices urging you ...
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Another peice discovered in the Richard Francis archives.. Not much is known
about it.. We were short on material here at the Ubu Hour, so what the hell,
we decided to run it..
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