January Social Justice Events



Authored by: 
"Rights are not just for whites", Womens March, photo by Joe R Frazier, all rights reserved
Published date: 
Monday, January 1, 2018 - 9:30pm
Produced for (Program name): 
Activist events. In January.

Updated Sunday January 28.

Portland Resistance Calendar is a collection of social justice events in the Portland area (and sometimes, within driving distance). This post is specifically for events that are in the month of January 2018 and later. 

 Links here go to pdxactivist.org, "a collaborative community calendar ... to move information about activism and resistance in Portland out of corporate silos like Facebook. This is a place to share ... events ... open to public participation."

Thanks, KBOO members & contributors, for your support. And thanks to Ismoon for research, and Joe Frazier for photos. 

This month's photo is from the Womens March last January.

This month's weekly podcasts:

Check out our weekly podcast/blog, posted on Fridays, at kboo.fm/resist or subscribe on iTunes!

 Portland Resistance Calendar @ Facebook

Let's Go!! 


Thursday January 4 to Wednesday January 17

Support the Clinton Street Theater with a Kiva Loan

Monday January 8 to 

Pleasure Communism [on display] 
PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Monday January 15 to Thursday June 28

Racing to Change: Oregon's Civil Rights Years
Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

Thursday January 18 to 

The High Captain: A daring new play about the habit of Democracy
Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Friday January 19 to 

50 Years of KBOO: OHS Exhibition
Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

Monday January 22 to 

Protest Camp 2018 SIGN UP

Thursday February 1 to 

Elements of Reclamation - Exhibition
Ori Gallery, 4038 N Mississippi

Wednesday February 7 to 

Me, Myself & It Exhibitions
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway


Monday January 1

Housing & Homelessness Committee (Montavilla Neighborhood Association)
 Candle Light Restaurant and Lounge, 7334 NE Glisan

Chaplin's The Great Dictator, benefitting the Oregon League of Conservation Voters
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Tuesday January 2

Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Merkley's 
 World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon

Ship Books to Prisoners! Volunteer with us!
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

Wednesday January 3

Oregon CareWorks East Portland Chapter Meeting
 SEIU Local 503, 6401 SE Foster at Holgate

Abortion and Reproductive Justice in Oregon
 Lucky Labrador Brew Pub on N Killingsworth, 1700 N Killingsworth

Incite: Queer Writers Read
 Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington

Thursday January 4

Oregon Queer Youth Summit 2018 Kick Off Organizing Ugly Sweater Party!
 Q Center, 4115 N Mississippi

The future of the Oregon Health Authority
 Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park

President Trump: Year One, by Matt Bors
 Sequential Art Gallery + Studio, 328 NW Broadway, Apt 113

Represent.Us Vancouver Meeting
 Cascade Park Community Library, Vancouver

Course: Portland's Urban Native Americans: How to Be an Ally (PUGS)
 through  Wayfinding Academy, 8010 N Charleston

Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association Special Meeting to discuss planned homeless shelter
 Church of the Nazarene, 5535 SE Rhone

What keeps me awake at night - a conversation (Democrats of East Washington County Oregon)
 King City Civic Center Clubhouse

Senator Rod Monroe at Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Assoc. Meeting
 Brentwood-Darlington Community Center, 7211 SE 62nd

Friday January 5

Up for Debate: Measure 101 (City Club)
 Sentinel Hotel, 614 SW 11th

Screening of Bobby Sands: 66 Days (with DJs before and after)
 Cider Riot, 807 NE Couch

Cover Band Benefit Gig for Outside In
 Black Water, 835 NE Broadway

Saturday January 6

Free Toothache and Cleanings Clinic
 Timber Dental, 3500 NE MLK Jr

Coffee & Conversation with Oregon State Rep. Mark Meek
 The Caufield House, Oregon City

Senate District 19 Candidate Forum & Appointment Convention
 River Grove Elementary School, Lake Oswego

Printmaking + Art-making Event in Support of Reclaim MLK DAY!
 PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, 511 NW Broadway

LGBTQ Health Community Listening Session
 Q Center, 4115 N Mississippi

Saving Healthcare 4 all - YES On Measure 101 (Greater Portland NOW)
 SEIU Local 49, 3536 SE 26th

More Fuel for Resistance - Indivisible OR-1 Regional Training Day
 Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ, Beaverton

Annual Concert for Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO) shelters
 St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Vancouver

SW Washington Mobilization Meeting (Health Care for All - Washington)
 Vancouver Community Library

Showing of Unprepared - Ready for the Megaquake in Oregon?
 Peninsula Odd Fellows Lodge, 4834 N Lombard

Children’s light vigil for Kameron Prescott
 PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, 511 NW Broadway

Sunday January 7

Parade For YES ON MEASURE 101
 Sunnyside School Park, 3421 SE Salmon

Reading Ta-Nehisi Coates (6 wk course, PUGS)
 SE Uplift, 3534 SE Main

Portland's Resistance Central Committee Meeting
 Location sent to those who RSVP

Washington County Yes on Measure 101 Events
 Various Locations in Washington County

Revolutionary Reading: How Europe Underveloped Africa
 Southeast Grind, 1223 SE Powell

Monday January 8

Washington County Yes on Measure 101 Events
 Various Locations in Washington County

Ballot Measure 101 Forum (League of Women Voters of Washington County)
 Beaverton Community Center

The Poor Peoples Campaign in Oregon: Will You Answer the Call?
 Sisters of the Road Cafe, 133 NW 6th

Pleasure Communism [on display] 
 through  PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Hip Hop + Spoken Word: Find Your Activist Voice (4 wk course, PUGS)
 HatchLabs, 2420 NE Sandy

Washington County Yes on Measure 101 Events
 Various Locations in Washington County

Progressive Democrats of America Portland January Meeting
 Muchas Gracias, 1307 NE 102nd

Twelve Monkeys for Alzheimer’s Association Oregon Chapter
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Tuesday January 9

Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Wyden's
 911 Federal Building, 911 NE 11th

RCI Housing Inventory Training
 SEIU Local 503, 6401 SE Foster at Holgate

Measure 101 Phonebank with the WFP
 Oregon AFL-CIO, 3645 SE 32nd

Ship Books to Prisoners! Volunteer with us!
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

Support the Unsupported! Rally with board meeting to follow!
 BESC Portland Public Schools, 501 N Dixon

March For Science Meet and Greet!
 Olympic Mills Commerce Center, 107 SE Washington

Gentrification is Weird Workshop/Discussion Part 1
 IRCO, 10301 NE Glisan

Octavia E. Butler (Six-week Delve Readers Seminar)
 Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington

Welcoming Our Neighbors from All Over the World
 SE Uplift, 3534 SE Main

Ballot Measure 101 - Election Forum
 618 NW Glisan Building, 618 NW Glisan

Wednesday January 10

Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Survivors
 YWCA of Greater Portland, 4610 SE Belmont

Free Groceries - Mobile Market Distribution
 Centennial High School, 3505 SE 182nd

Race, Big Data, + Privilege (4 wk course, PUGS)
 SE Uplift, 3534 SE Main

Queer Adventure Storytelling Returns! - January 10
 Lucky Labrador Brew Pub on N Killingsworth, 1700 N Killingsworth

Sense Of Place, Hanford: Our River Runs Through It
 Columbia Center for the Arts, Hood River

Beaverton Drinking Liberally January Meeting
 Lodge at Cascade Brewing, 7424 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale

Thursday January 11

Racial Equity Learning Collaborative
 through  Zenger Farm, 11741 SE Foster

Thawing ICE: Mindful Walk for Immigrant Justice
 Portland ICE Detention Center, 4310 SW Macadam

Gov. Brown Stand Up for Climate: Stop the Pipeline Rally
 Oregon State Capitol, Salem

Transcending Hate Rally
 Salmon Springs Fountain, 1000 SW Naito

Guantanamo: Serving Injustice for 16 Long Years
 SE Hawthorne & Grand (East end of Hawthorne Bridge)

Portland Tenants Union Happy Hour
 Rialto, 529 SW 4th

YW ACT  Criminal Justice Reform & ACLU Presentation
 YWCA of Greater Portland, 4610 SE Belmont

Radicle Activist Training: Campaign Toolbox
 Bark Dugout, 351 NE 18th

Dolores Huerta Screening
 Fort Vancouver High School

Pleasure Communism [reception]
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Trivia Fundraiser for NE Neighborhood Emergency Teams
 Lagunitas Tap Room, 237 NE Broadway

Florida Prison Strikers Letter Writing & Infoshare
 Anarres Infoshop & Community Space, 7101 N Lombard

Misogyny and Human Trafficking - Kell's Irish Pub HT Series
 Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub, 112 SW 2nd

Multnomah County Dems Central Committee Meeting
 Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th

Vigil for Justice: Shut Down Guantanamo
 Pioneer Courthouse Square, 701 SW 6th

This Changes Everything 
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Friday January 12

Power and Silence: How #MeToo Is Changing the American Workplace
 Sentinel Hotel, 614 SW 11th

Block 45 Groundbreaking
 NE Holladay & Grand

Black Leadership Round Table and MLK Celebration.
 Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th

Keaton Otis Vigil
 NE 6th & NE Halsey

OHS Member Opening Reception: Racing to Change
 Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

Indivisible Greater Vancouver January Meeting
 ILWU Local 4, Vancouver

Lil' Buck and Jon Boogz "Love Heals All Wounds"
 Newmark Theatre, 1111 SW Broadway

Saturday January 13

8th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Breakfast Celebration in Vancouver
 Warehouse '23, Vancouver

Oregon Rep Janeen Sollman January Listening Session
 Ava Roasteria Orenco Station, Hillsboro

49th LD Democrats January General Meeting
 ILWU Local 4, Vancouver

Blumenauer Tax Teach-in
 Hosford Middle School, 2303 SE 28th Place

Stop the Bleed
 OHSU OUS Collaborative Life Sciences Building and Skourtes Tower, 2730 SW Moody

Social Change for Social Justice Saturdays
 Woodlawn Methodist Church, 1425 NE Dekum

Second Saturday - Jan. 2018 - New Avenues for Youth
 New Avenues for Youth, 314 SW 9th

Rise & Organize: Vancouver Organizing Academy (Washington State Democratic Party)
 Vancouver Community Library

Family Saturday: American Indian Cultures in Oregon
 Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

FULL!!Renters’ Rights Hotline Training (Community Alliance of Tenants)
 Community Alliance of Tenants, 2710 NE 14th

Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr Day Celebration
 Walters Cultural Arts Center, Hillsboro

Measure 101 Voting Party (Beaverton Social Justice League)
 Beaverton Community Center

Tender Table: Alyshia Macaysa, Celeste Noche, Dinorah Santana
 People's Food Co-op, 3029 SE 21st

We the Dreamers Pop Up Shop: Tee Shirt Sale!
 Portland Mercado, 7238 SE Foster at 72nd

Black Community Project Monthly Movie: Local Color
 Golden West Hotel, 709 NW Everett

CANCELLED - Free Groceries - Mobile Market Distribution
 Centennial High School, 3505 SE 182nd

Decolonize Roller Derby- a fundraiser for Team Indigenous
 Gresham Skate World

Sunday January 14

MLK Weekend All Ages Music Service
 Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver

Senator Jeff Merkley: Yes on Measure 101 Canvass
 SEIU Local 503, 6401 SE Foster at Holgate

Trauma - The Impact of Oppression and Privilege
 Living Yoga, 5100 SW Macadam

Portland's Resistance Central Committee Meeting
 Location sent to those who RSVP

Clackamas County Town Hall: Senator Ron Wyden
 Camp Withycombe, Clackamas

Rally for Net Neutral Municipal Broadband 
 Portland City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Avenue

CANCELLED: Seize the Memes of Production - Rally for Net Neutrality 
 O'Bryant Square, 808 SW Stark

Second Sunday: Beyond Fake News
 Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

Free Renters' Rights Workshop
 Gregory Heights Library, 7921 NE Sandy

Taxes Skillshare
 IWW Hall, 2249 E Burnside

Freedom Dance: Moved by Justice and Commnity
 St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Gladstone

Multnomah Co Town Hall with Senator Merkley
 Parkrose High School, 12003 NE Shaver

Monday January 15

32nd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast
 Red Lion Hotel on the River, Jantzen Beach, 909 N Hayden Island

HRC Portland MLK Day of Service
 First Christian Church, 1314 SW Park

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Community Engagement
 Reed College, 3203 SE Woodstock

Washco-Dems hosts Civil Rights Era Memorabilia display
 Democratic Party of Washington County, Hillsboro

Racing to Change: Oregon's Civil Rights Years
 through  Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

MLK Blvd Cleanup w/ Surfrider Portland
 Cosube Surf, 111 NE MLK Jr

33rd Anniversary MLK Tribute
 Highland Christian Center, 7600 NE Glisan

Gentrification is Weird Workshop/Discussion Part 2
 IRCO, 10301 NE Glisan

Reclaim MLK Freedom and Unity March
 Peninsula Park, 700 N Rosa Parks Way

Yes on Measure 101: Portland MLK Day of Service Canvass!
 SEIU Local 503, 6401 SE Foster at Holgate

Reclaiming Our King: the Radical Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr
 WSU Vancouver

Portland Indivisible Community Meeting
 Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont

Critical Resistance Portland Prisoner Correspondence Night
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

Washington County Yes on Measure 101 Events
 Various Locations in Washington County

Your Fault for Listening LIVE! (podcast)
 Curious Comedy Theater, 5225 NE MLK Jr

King: A Filmed Record...from Montgomery to Memphis screening, benefitting NAACP
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Earthquake preparedness for Neighborhood Emergency Team Members (using a Spreadsheet)
 The Historic Kenton Firehouse. 8105 N Brandon

Tuesday January 16

Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Merkley's 
 World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon

Community Alliance of Tenants: Speak Up on Rental Screening
 Commonwealth Building, 421 SW 6th

Interrupting Hate in Public Spaces - for PDX NAACP Members
 First Unitarian Church, 1121 SW Main

Ship Books to Prisoners! Volunteer with us!
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

Screening of Dhamma Brothers and guest speaker
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

The Instant Filmmaker: iPad Filmmaking for Everybody
 through  Open Signal, 2766 NE MLK Jr

A Preview of the upcoming 2018 Oreogn Legislative session
 Zenger Farm, 11741 SE Foster

Meet the Potential BerniePDX City Council Candidates!
 Waverly Heights United Church of Christ, 3300 SE Woodward

Cause and Effect: Racism, Poverty, and Public Health
 The Alberta Rose Theatre, 3000 NE Alberta

Young Democrats of Clark County General Meeting
 Clark County Democrats

Wednesday January 17

Tend the World Youth Forum with Mic Crenshaw-MC
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Introduction to Restorative Justice in Schools
 through  Northwest Health Foundation, 221 NW 2nd

Vancouver MLK celebration: Black History 101 Mobile Museum
 Clark College, Vancouver

Black Community Empowerment Meeting
 Sunrise Center, Gresham

Senate District 24 Candidates Forum (Multnomah County Democrats)
 The Rosewood Initiative, 16126 SE Stark

Portland NAACP Political Action Committee Meeting
 Cerulean Wine, 1439 NW Marshall

Beyond Invitation: How Do We Create Inclusive Communities
 Loyal Order of Moose Lodge, 7414 SE 52nd

Unchaste Readers Series
 Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington

Thursday January 18

Today is the last day to vote by mail in the OR Special Election - you can also drop your ballots to your local library or drop box before Tuesday 1/23 at 8pm!

Understanding the Impact of Trauma
 Multnomah County East Building, Gresham

Imitation Game screening
 PCC SE, 2305 SE 82nd at Division

Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve Documentary screening
 Cascade Park Community Library, Vancouver

Mercatus PDX Storytelling at Bison Coffeehouse
 Bison Coffeehouse, 3941 NE Cully

Overcome Volunteer Meeting
 YWCA of Greater Portland, 4610 SE Belmont

Intro to the IWW "102" Class
 IWW Hall, 2249 E Burnside

The High Captain: A daring new play about the habit of Democracy
 through  Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Friday January 19

Oregon Women's Equity Coalition Sexual Harassment Panel & Discussion
 Center For Philanthropy, 221 NW 2nd

50 Years of KBOO: OHS Exhibition
 through Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

2018 Oregon Legislative Preview
 Sentinel Hotel, 614 SW 11th

The Global Street Dance Masquerade Presentation and Film
 Portland Art Museum, 1219 SW Park

Queer History Night!
 Quest Center for Integrative Health, 2901 E Burnside

Food Not Bombs PDX Friday Serving
 Brooklyn Action Corps, 3925 SE Milwaukie

Saturday January 20

2018 Oregon Women's Campaign School
 through  NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center,16021 NE Airport Way

Vancouver WA NAACP Monthly Meeting and Potluck
 Vancouver Housing Authority

Building Grassroots Labor Solidarity
 Portland Association of Teachers, 345 NE 8th

Community Service and Feed In
 Hughes Memorial United Methodist Church, 111 NE Failing

50 Years of KBOO: OHS Exhibit Opening Party
 Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

Tualatin Measure 101 Canvass
 House in Tualatin

The Conscience of Hollywood: The Rise of Social Protest Cinema
 through  Cinema 21, 616 NW 21st

Winter Wacipi Powwow
 PCC Sylvania, 12000 SW 49th

Solutions NOT Shelters
 Winson Center, 6144 SE Foster

More Love, Less Hate (Counter Protest)
 Winson Center, 6144 SE Foster

Indivisible Day of Action for Measure 101
 Democratic Party of Washington County, Hillsboro

 through  PICA, 15 NE Hancock

State-wide Day of Action - Measure 101 Canvassing
 SEIU Local 49, 3536 SE 26th

Washington County Town Hall: Senator Ron Wyden
 PCC Rock Creek, 17705 NW Springville Rd

Washington County Yes on Measure 101 Events
 Various Locations in Washington County

National Day of Action - Measure 101 Canvassing
 SEIU Local 49, 3536 SE 26th

Launch of International League of People's Struggle - Portland 
 Terry Schrunk Plaza, SW 3rd and Madison

Pueblo Unido Volunteer Meeting
 Rockwood Library, 17917 SE Stark

Portland DSA Feminist Branch Meeting
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

YW ACT Bystander Intervention
 YWCA of Greater Portland, 4610 SE Belmont

Pacific Perspectives: What’s In A Name?
 High and Low Art Space and Gallery, 936 SE 34th

J20 events

Down with fascism-Queer liberation now! #DropJ20 (Queer Liberation Front)

MeToo March & SpeakOUT
 Pioneer Courthouse Square, 701 SW 6th

Pray the straight away rally
 PSU South Park Blocks

Cancelled: J20: One year of hell! Trump/Pence must go!
 PSU South Park Blocks

National March for Impeachment (Direct Action Alliance)
Terry Schrunk Plaza, 1200 SW 3rd

Free Event: #ArtUnitesUs Art Action Day Jan 20
 Burnside Bridge, east end

Woodlawn MIC Open House "Party"
 Woodlawn Methodist Church, 1425 NE Dekum

Oregon Women’s Campaign School Happy Hour
 NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center,16021 NE Airport Way

Rock Against Fascism! (RASH NW and Red & Black Subculture Club)
 Cider Riot, 807 NE Couch

Drawing Trump: Cartoons from the Trump Presidency
 Cascadia Commons Common House, 4377 SW 94th

Covers&Blankets #15
 The Alberta Rose Theatre, 3000 NE Alberta

Sunday January 21

Role of NAACP in Today’s Politics
 Friendly House, 1737 NW 26th

Get Out the Vote on Measure 101!
 SEIU Local 49, 3536 SE 26th

Oregon Deserves Better 1/21 Canvass
 House in West Linn

NAACP Canvass/Door Knock for Measure 101
 SEIU Local 49, 3536 SE 26th

Portland's Resistance Central Committee Meeting
 Location sent to those who RSVP

Salem Womxn's March
 Oregon State Capitol, Salem

Revolutionary Reading: How Europe Underveloped Africa
 Southeast Grind, 1223 SE Powell

Indigenous Womxn's March: Honoring Red Fawn & Indigenous Womxn Warriors
 Terry Schrunk Plaza, 1200 SW 3rd

Introducing Justice Democrats PDX
 Northwest Library, 2300 NW Thurman

Handwritten Revolution's One Year of Resistance!
 Church Bar, 2600 NE Sandy

Changes, a Concert by Transpose PDX!
 Bridgeport United Church of Christ, 621 NE 76th

Still We Rise: A Call for Justice and Inclusion (Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance)
 Pioneer Courthouse Square, 701 SW 6th

Municipal Broadband PDX Weekly Meeting
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

Black Feast: A Raisin In the Sun
 Feastly, 912 SE Hawthorne

Film Screening & Discussion! Antifa
 Anarres Infoshop & Community Space, 7101 N Lombard

Disability March 2018: march with us online!

Monday January 22

Portland Urban League Young Professional New Member Orientation
 Kennedy School, 5736 NE 33rd

SOLD OUT : MLK Tribute '18: Walidah Imarisha
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Through the Eyes of Equity (SAGE Metro Portland)
 Friendly House, 1737 NW 26th

Breaking Bread & Breaking Barriers Meet Portland Police Chief Outlaw
 Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church, 3138 N Vancouver

Washington County Yes on Measure 101 Events
 Various Locations in Washington County

Revolution Comedy Presents: Stand Up for Race Talks
 Curious Comedy Theater, 5225 NE Martin Luther King Jr

New Poetic Activism (Five-week Delve Readers Seminar)
 Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington

Hellboy, benefitting Bark
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Protest Camp 2018 SIGN UP

Tuesday January 23

Last Day to Vote in the OR Special Election - get your ballots to your local library or drop box before 8pm!

Social Impact Career & Volunteer Fair
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Wyden's 
 911 Building, 911 NE 11th

Winter Autonomous Convergence
 North Portland Library, 512 N Killingsworth

Ship Books to Prisoners! Volunteer with us!
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

Social Hour with Defensa de la Dignidad
 Primrose & Tumbleweeds, Hillsboro

Housing and Homelessness Advocacy 101 Training
 Vancouver Housing Authority

Anti-Racist Teach-In with Shawna Lipton
 PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, 511 NW Broadway

An Inconvenient Sequel - Truth to Power screening
 Vancouver Community Library

Basic Earthquake Emergency Communications Node Training - Sellwood
 Smile Station, 8210 SE 13th

Measure 101 Volunteer & Supporter Appreciation Party
 Holocene, 1001 SE Morrison

Wednesday January 24

9th Annual We Can Do Better Conference
 Portland Art Museum, 1219 SW Park

Legal Advocacy
 YWCA of Greater Portland, 4610 SE Belmont

Picket Against Retaliation!
 Burgerville - Convention Center, 1135 NE MLK Jr

CANCELLED -  Free Groceries - Mobile Market Distribution
 Centennial High School, 3505 SE 182nd

Blumenauer's Food & Farm Public Forum
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

You Can't Control Art: Race, Bias & Brain: the Neuroscience Surrounding Race Disputes in Law Enforcement
 Velo Cult, 1969 NE 42nd

Seed to Supper: Growing Veggies on a Budget
 PCC SE, 2305 SE 82nd at Division

New LocationThink & Drink: Community Organizing around Oregon
 The Alberta Rose Theatre, 3000 NE Alberta

Cop, Defense, Prosecutor, Judge: Behind the Scenes in Clark Co.
 Vancouver Community Library

Tickling Giants
 Old Liberty Theater, Ridgefield WA

Thursday January 25

CCHC Healthier Together Community Forum
 Barn Nonprofit Center, 618 NW Glisan

Project Homeless Connect 2018 - Vancouver WA Resource Event
 Saint Joseph's Catholic Church, Vancouver

Please turn out to support Foster Shelter once more this week!
 Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail
 PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, 511 NW Broadway

Native Nations Winter Story Telling with Ed Edmo
 PCC Cascade, 705 N Killingsworth

Brad Lee Morgan Angelversary (PNW Family Circle)
 Ed Benedict Skatepark, 10000 SE Powell

Black Lives Matter Opening Night at the Woodlawn Mic (Dont Shoot Portland)
 Woodlawn Methodist Church, 1425 NE Dekum

In Conversation with State Attorney Aramis Ayala
 PSU Lincoln Hall, 1620 SW Park

Portland DSA Reading Group
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

2018 Solomon Lecture with Annie Polland (Tenement Museum)
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

The BRAVE Show
 Kiggins Theatre, Vancouver

Whatever Gets You Through The Night
 Chapel Theatre, Milwaukie

Friday January 26

Project Homeless Connect
 Sonrise Church, Hillsboro

Oregon’s Electorate: Who Will Vote—and Why It Matters
 Sentinel Hotel, 614 SW 11th

Solidarity with Burgerville Workers Union Rally
 Holladay City Park, 1100 NE Holladay

Hamburger: A Benefit Show
 Michigan Ave House

Food Not Bombs PDX Friday Serving
 Brooklyn Action Corps, 3925 SE Milwaukie

Saturday January 27

Fix-It Fair January 2018
 George Middle School, 10000 N Burr

SOS! Defend Local Media Access
 KATU, 2153 NE Sandy

Hygiene & Homelessness: We want hygiene access & we want it now!
 Portsmouth Union Church, 4775 N Lombard

Clark County Stories: Community Oral History Workshop
 Fort Vancouver Regional Library Headquarters

 Portland International Airport

Portland Queer Lives on Film
 Q Center, 4115 N Mississippi

PHAME Winter Concert
 First Presbyterian Church, 1200 SW Alder

James Baldwin's I Am Not Your Negro
 Congregation Shir Tikvah, 7550 NE Irving

Sunday January 28

10% Day for Brown Girl Rise!
 Food Fight!, 1217 SE Stark & 11155 NE Halsey

Mochitsuki 2018 - Year of the Dog
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Portland DSA General Meeting
 Sunnyside Community House, 3520 SE Yamhill

Scandal in Ivansk screening for International Holocaust Remembrance Day
 OJMCHE, 724 NW Davis

Movement for Moving the Mountains: A Restorative Yoga Fundraiser
 Jewel Yoga, 1020 SW Taylor

Sister District Project ~ SDOR3 Monthly Meetup
 McMenamins Broadway Pub, 1504 NE Broadway St

UNSTATED screening
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Mobilization For Recovery & The Anonymous People screening
 Cinema 21, 616 NW 21st

LOCATION CHANGE!: IPA presents: Charlie vs. Goliath
 Robinwood Station, West Linn

Municipal Broadband PDX Weekly Meeting
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

SOLD OUT: Tender Table Dinner: A Fundraiser for UNA Gallery
 People's Food Co-op, 3029 SE 21st

Wicked Wednesday - The Documentary.
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Southwest WA Virtual Organizing Meeting (Whole Washington)

Ovarian Psycos at Hollywood Theatre
 The Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy

Monday January 29

Christopher Kalonji Angelversary (PNW Family Circle, Dont Shoot Portland)
 Clackamas County Sheriff's Office

Never Again: A Jewish Response to the Rohingya Crisis
 OJMCHE, 724 NW Davis

Fargo, benefitting for Climate Solutions
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Minority Retort presents: NATHAN BRANNON!
 The Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy

Tuesday January 30

Hearing the Cries for Justice Workshops
 Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 147 NW 19th

Resist Trump Tuesday 
 World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon

Self-Made Woman
 Friendly House, 1737 NW 26th

Citizen's State of the Union w/ Rep Blumenauer (RSVP!)
 Jefferson High School, 5210 N Kerby

Resist Trump Happy Hour
 Church Bar, 2600 NE Sandy

Ship Books to Prisoners! Volunteer with us!
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

3rd Annual 49th Legislative District WA Democrats’s State of the Union Chili Potluck
 Firefighters’ Union Hall, Vancouver

Messages of Hope With Attorney General Bob Ferguson
 Fort Vancouver High School

Portland Underground Grad School HH & February Sneak Peek
 Cardinal Club, 18 NE 28th

Ayana V. Jackson Lecture
 PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, 511 NW Broadway

Young Democrats of Clark County General Meeting
 Innovative Services NW, Vancouver

Wednesday January 31

Task Force Monthly Meeting (Human Trafficking Task Force of Clark County)
 YWCA Clark County

State of the (Clackamas) County Forum Luncheon - advance RSVP
 Monarch Hotel, Clackamas

Oregon Native American Chamber Networking Luncheon and Elections
 Metro, 600 NE Grand

Loss of Home/Loss of Hope: Picturing the Rohingya Crisis
 WorldOregon, 1207 SW Broadway

DACA Panel: Support, engage & be allies to/with DACA recipients
 PCC Cascade, 705 N Killingsworth

Fossil Free Fast: The Climate Resistance screening (350pdx)
 Central Lutheran Church, 1820 NE 21st

Village Coalition Houseless Event
 Brooklyn Action Corps, 3925 SE Milwaukie

Civics Toolbox (Right2BHeard)
 Cascade Park Community Library, Vancouver

Film Screening: By Hook or By Crook
 PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, 511 NW Broadway

Panel Discussion on #metoo & #notsurprised and art: Alix Pearlstein, Sara Krajewski, Lisa Jarrett
 Upfor, 929 NW Flanders

We Are All America Forum - One Year After the Muslim/Refugee Ban (Unite Oregon)
 Unite Oregon, 700 N Killingsworth

Oregon State Legislators Dembrow, Smith Warner, and Keny-Guyer Pre-Session Town Hall
 Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th

 Dig A Pony, 736 SE Grand

Trans Housing Open Meeting
 Q Center, 4115 N Mississippi

A Political Strategy to Defend Immigrant Rights (Socialist Equality Party)
 PSU Urban Center, 506 SW Mill

Thursday February 1

An Afternoon with Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner, Marshall Islands poet and climate change activist 
 Madison High School, 2735 NE 82nd

In the Wake: Blackness and Being: PSU Black Futures Reading Group - RSVP
 through  PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Elements of Reclamation - Opening Reception
 Ori Gallery, 4038 N Mississippi

RESCHEDULED Black Lives Matter Opening Night at the Woodlawn MIC
 Woodlawn Methodist Church, 1425 NE Dekum

Civics Toolbox (Right2BHeard)
 Cascade Park Community Library, Vancouver

Free Screening of Priced Out
 Portsmouth Union Church, 4775 N Lombard

North Portland Legislative Session Preview
 PCC Cascade, 705 N Killingsworth

Crop Diversity: Change Your Palate, Change the Future (PUGS)
 through  SE Uplift, 3534 SE Main

February Meeting with Candidates for Commissioner Position No. 3
 Brentwood-Darlington Community Center, 7211 SE 62nd

So I get to vote for DA - What should I know?
 King City Civic Center Clubhouse

Celebrating jazz singer & activist Mary Elizabeth Lockridge - the Million Dollar Grandma
 Clark County Historical Museum

Friday February 2

Vancouver: Electing Democratic Women Meet and Greet
 Java House, Vancouver

Connecting with Communities of Voters (City Club of Portland)
 Sentinel Hotel, 614 SW 11th

Black History Month Empowerment in Unity Social
 Evergreen High School, Vancouver

Sen. Ron Wyden Town Hall
 David Douglas High School, 1001 SE 135th

Food Not Bombs PDX Friday Serving
 Brooklyn Action Corps, 3925 SE Milwaukie

What Matters: Songs of Social Justice (Friday night show)
 Central Lutheran Church, 1820 NE 21st

Saturday February 3

Faith, Justice, and Reconciliation with Dr. Christena Cleveland
 First United Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson

How to Apologize (PUGS)
 Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont

Hidden History of Albina Walking Tour
 Little Big Burger, 3747 N Mississippi

PROTEST Greg Walden and shills for the NRA and Russia
 Airport Holiday Inn, 8439 NE Columbia

NRA WTF OMG honors Komrades for installation of Kommander Trump
 Airport Holiday Inn, 8439 NE Columbia

Paying It Forward Store Free Clothing Event
 Living Hope Baptist Church, 3130 SE 148th

Buffalo Soldiers in Vancouver and Portland
 Fort Vancouver Visitor Center

U.S. Saudi Coalition: bringing peace or war?
 PSU Lincoln Hall, 1620 SW Park

Tender Table: Haya Bashir, Maya Vivas, Shayla Lawson
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

Budrus screening (Jewish Voice for Peace)
 Bilal Masjid, Beaverton

What Matters: Songs of Social Justice (Saturday night show)
 Central Lutheran Church, 1820 NE 21st

Portland's Resistance Resistance Ball
 p:ear, 338 NW 6th

Sunday February 4

Washington County Town Hall: Senator Ron Wyden
 Century High School, Hillsboro

Gresham United Methodist Church Peace and Justice Team Event
 Gresham United Methodist Church

Postcard Party - We Heart Democracy
 Oregon City Brewing Company

Revolutionary Reading: How Europe Underveloped Africa
 Southeast Grind, 1223 SE Powell

Municipal Broadband PDX Weekly Meeting
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

Monday February 5

African American Read In
 Garden Home Community Library, 7475 SW Oleson

Brainstorm: Social Event for Portland Assembly & Folks Curious about PA
 Cider Riot, 807 NE Couch

Resistance & Resilience (Public Theology and Christ Church: Portland)
 Century, 930 SE Sandy

Malcolm X, benefitting for Resolutions NW
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Tuesday February 6

Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Wyden's
 911 Federal Building, 911 NE 11th

Ship Books to Prisoners! Volunteer with us!
 In Other Words, 14 NE Killingsworth

CHAT: Cully Housing Action Team Meeting
 Living Cully Plaza, 6723 NE Killingsworth

Not Broken Screening & Community Listening Session on Mental Health
 Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne

Resistance Forums: State Senate District 24
 David Douglas High School, 1001 SE 135th

Workshop with Penny Arcade: "Speak Truth to Power: Cultural & Political Activism"
 PICA, 15 NE Hancock

Portland's African American Boys: How to Be an Ally (Portland Underground Grad School)
 through  Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont

Wednesday February 7

Me, Myself & It Exhibitions
 through  PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Issa Vibe, It's a Black Feminist Cypher: PSU Black Futures Reading Group - RSVP
 through  PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

No Methanol! No Pipelines! Comment writing workshop
 St. Luke's Episcopal Church / Iglesia Episcopal de San Lucas, Vancouver

Different Strokes: A Panel of Black Creatives and Entrepreneurs
 PSU Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway

Oregon CareWorks East Portland Chapter Meeting
 SEIU Local 503, 6401 SE Foster at Holgate

A discussion on Timothy Snyder’s 2017 book On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
 PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, 511 NW Broadway

Heart Event: Improving access to mental health care for all women
 The Evergreen, 618 SE Alder

Harm Reduction in Portland
 Lucky Labrador Brew Pub on N Killingsworth, 1700 N Killingsworth

The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls
 The Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy

Thursday February 8

Thawing ICE: Mindful Walk for Immigrant Justice
 Portland ICE Detention Center, 4310 SW Macadam

Understanding Oppression (YWCA of Greater Portland)
 YWCA of Greater Portland, 4610 SE Belmont

Portland ABC Meet n' Greet/ Letter Writing Night
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

Willamette Women Democrats February Program
 Home Builders of Association, Lake Oswego

The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Why It Matters Today
 PSU Lincoln Hall, 1620 SW Park

Leadership Clark County Informational Open House
 Warehouse '23, Vancouver

Native Professionals & Friends Night at Froelick Gallery
 Froelick Gallery, 714 NW Davis

YW ACT February Meeting: Resolve to Resist; A Civic Engagement Panel
 YWCA of Greater Portland, 4610 SE Belmont

White Supremacy in Oregon: History and Current Issues - 6 wk course
 Taborspace, 5441 SE Belmont

SOLD OUT: Claudia Rankine: Portland Arts & Lectures
 Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, 1037 SW Broadway

Friday February 9

Safe Communities Task Force Public Community Meeting
 YWCA Clark County

Food Not Bombs PDX Friday Serving
 Brooklyn Action Corps, 3925 SE Milwaukie

Indivisible Greater Vancouver February Meeting
 ILWU Local 4, Vancouver

Pinkwashing Exposed screening
 5th Avenue Cinema, 510 SW Hall

Saturday February 10

49th Legislative District WA Democrats February General Meeting
 ILWU Local 4, Vancouver

Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) Study Circle
 Kailash Ecovillage, 4311 SE 37th

Dia de Accion del Inmigrante l Immigrant Action Day
 Chemeketa Community College, Salem

Hidden History of Albina Walking Tour
 Little Big Burger, 3747 N Mississippi

Let's Talk: Active Consent
 Cascade Park Community Library, Vancouver

2018 Efryting cold weather survival gear Drive
 Eagles Lodge (F.O.E.#3256), 4904 SE Hawthorne

Love Letters to Net Neutral Municipal Broadband
 Portland City Hall, 1221 SW 4th

Resistencia, PCASC Film Night
 IWW Hall, 2249 E Burnside

That's What She Said: Heart Eyes! A benefit for SAGE.
 The Siren Theater, 315 NW Davis

Sunday February 11

Civil Rights, Then and Now: 1960s/1970s Civil Rights leaders
 Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park

Municipal Broadband PDX Weekly Meeting
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

Monday February 12

Clean Energy Jobs Day Of Action
 Oregon State Capitol, Salem

Social Justice Through Art (LC Inclusion Multicultural Engagement)
 Lewis & Clark College

Keaton Otis Vigil
 NE 6th & NE Halsey

When Harry Met Sally benefitting the Sunshine Division
 Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton

Tuesday February 13

Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Merkley's
 World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon

Pre-Valentine's Day Happy Hour with Color PAC!
 Tryst, 19 SW 2nd

LOCATION CHANGE - Resistance Forums: Multnomah County Commissioner District 2
 Portsmouth Union Church, 4775 N Lombard

Meeting the Challenge of American Immigration
 Congregation Beth Israel, 1972 NW Flanders

Wednesday February 14

Valentines for Clean Air Lobby Day
 Oregon State Capitol, Salem

CANCELLED -  Free Groceries - Mobile Market Distribution
 Centennial High School, 3505 SE 182nd

Thursday February 15

Activating Cultural Empathy (YWCA of Greater Portland)
 YWCA of Greater Portland, 4610 SE Belmont

Show Opening — Bespoke Bodies: The Design & Craft of Prosthetics
 PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art, 511 NW Broadway

Intercultural Experience: Love Potluck (Center for Intercultural Wellness)
 NW Natural, 220 NW Second

Power, Privilege, and Racial Diversity in Oregon
 Marylhurst University

2nd Annual NW Black Comedy Festival
 through  Billy Webb Elks Lodge, 6 N Tillamook

Friday February 16

Interrupting Hate in Public Spaces

2nd Annual NW Black Comedy Festival
 through  Billy Webb Elks Lodge, 6 N Tillamook

Food Not Bombs PDX Friday Serving
 Brooklyn Action Corps, 3925 SE Milwaukie

Blackout Black Panther Movie Night
 Regal Cinemas Division Street, 16603 SE Division

Saturday February 17

White Ally Toolkit 101
 Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver

WashCo Dems Rapid Response Team
 Democratic Party of Washington County, Hillsboro

Vancouver WA NAACP Monthly Meeting and Potluck
 Vancouver Housing Authority

Lunar New Year Dragon Parade
 The Siren Theater, 315 NW Davis

Hidden History of Albina Walking Tour
 Little Big Burger, 3747 N Mississippi

White Ally Toolkit 201: Deepening your ally skills
 Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver

Power, Privilege and Racial Diversity in Oregon
 West Linn Library

Sunday February 18

White Ally Toolkit--free event
 Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver

African American Read-In
 North Portland Library, 512 N Killingsworth

Black History & Culture Trivia Night (Urban League of Portland Young Professionals)
 Urban League of Portland, 10 N Russell

Municipal Broadband PDX Weekly Meeting
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

Monday February 19

Your Fault for Listening LIVE! (podcast)
 Curious Comedy Theater, 5225 NE MLK Jr

Tuesday February 20

16th Annual Faith Labor Breakfast!
 St. Andrew Catholic Church / Iglesia Catolica San Andres, 806 NE Alberta

Restorative Justice Circle Training
 Northwest Health Foundation, 221 NW 2nd

Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Wyden's
 911 Federal Building, 911 NE 11th

Resistance Forums: Portland City Council Position 3
 IRCO, 10301 NE Glisan

White Ally Toolkit
 First Unitarian, 1211 SW Main

Wednesday February 21

Portland NAACP Political Action Committee Meeting
 Cerulean Wine, 1439 NW Marshall

Thursday February 22

Free Renters' Rights Workshop
 Midland Library, 805 SE 122nd

Friday February 23

Food Not Bombs PDX Friday Serving
 Brooklyn Action Corps, 3925 SE Milwaukie

Saturday February 24

Hidden History of Albina Walking Tour
 Little Big Burger, 3747 N Mississippi

Chemawa Birthday Pow Wow
 Chemawa Indian School, Salem

Sunday February 25

Mel Gurtov on Engaging North Korea
 Friendly House, 1737 NW 26th

Municipal Broadband PDX Weekly Meeting
 Social Justice Action Center, 400 SE 12th

Monday February 26

ACLU Benefit: The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975
 The Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy

Tuesday February 27

Resist Trump Tuesday at Senator Merkley's
 World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon

Friends of the Multnomah County Library's Friends & Family Night Benefit
 Market Street Pub, 1526 SW 10th

Resistance Forums: Portland City Council Position 2
 First Unitarian, 1211 SW Main

Wednesday February 28

Task Force Monthly Meeting (Human Trafficking Task Force of Clark County)
 YWCA Clark County

Every 28 days: a feminine products drive (Share of Vancouver WA)
 Mill Creek Pub, Battle Ground

Dr. David R. Williams on Getting to Health Equity, Unthank Lecture
 Maranatha Church, 4222 NE 12th

Chisholm '72: Unbought & Unbossed
 Old Liberty Theater, Ridgefield WA


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  1. See if your event has already been listed.
    Check https://pdxactivist.org/events. If it is (but not exactly to your liking), you can edit it by going to its event page. 
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    From https://pdxactivist.org/sources/new you can slurp directly with a web address (most of the time). If not, you can add it from https://pdxactivist.org/events/new.
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    The location doesn't get automagically slurped because there's a databased list of location venues. You'll need to add it -  most venues are already in the database - you can search https://pdxactivist.org/venues and just copy/paste (which somehow grabs the database magic) from that venues search into the venue name on the event entry page.
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    Everything on the Calendar comes from pdxactivist... but not everything from pdxactivist goes on the Calendar.
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  6. You can also message us directly via Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pdxResist/