KBOO Bike Show 2013 Give Guide for the Holidays



The not-for-profit organizations that need your help most this season! Give big!
The Bike Farm is an all volunteer-run bicycle maintenance collective dedicated to every aspect of bicycle education, from safe commuting to repair.
Their mission is to provide a space where people can learn about the bicycle and build community around promoting sustainable transportation. “We strive to demystify the bicycle in order to impact the city in a healthy and positive way by offering space and help to repair your bike.”
Donate at: bikefarm.org where you can donate parts, bicycles, anything on their wish list, money or your time.
New Avenues For Youth offers programs and services that empower homeless youth to exit street life, believing that every young person should have food, shelter, and access to education and job training.  The organization goes beyond meeting basic needs and offer programs that heal young lives and foster growth and independence—including a bicycle program and including bike locks on their wish list. Bikes are the most affordable transportation option for their kids.
Look for their wish list under holiday giving at http://www.newavenues.org/support-us/holiday-giving/.
Bikes for Humanity is an all volunteer organization providing affordable refurbished bicycles to riders of all economic backgrounds..
Their mission is to substantially increase public access to affordable and safe bicycles while empowering self-sufficiency in bicycle maintenance and commuting skills.
Find out more about volunteering your time or donating a bike or parts at:
Washington County Bicycle Transportation Coalition (Wash-co BTC)
The mission of the WashCo BTC is to promote bicycle transportation, protect bicyclists’ rights and improve bicycling conditions throughout Washington County, Oregon through education, advocacy and community. They have a retail bike shop and offer programs in cycling education and repair. This winter they’re also having an “Adopt-a-bike” program which will provide 50 kids with bikes, helmets and skills clinics for the holidays. Donate at www.washcobtc.org.
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