New Jazz Releases November 12, 2013



new jazz releases that were added to the KBOO Music Library the week of Novmeber 12th
Jazz Tracking 11/12/13
Matt Baker                              Underground                                       Dot time
John Clayton/Gerald C.          Parlor Series                                       Artist  Share
George Colligan                      The Endless Mysteries                       Origin
Brian Gephart                         Standing on Two Feet                         Origin
Robert Glasper                       Black Radio 2                                     Blue Note
Darryl Harper                          The Edenfred Files                             Hipnotic
Steve Heckman                      Born To Be Blue                                 Jazzed Media
Chuck Israels Orch                 Second Wind                                      Soulpatch
Eugenie Jones                        Black Lace/Blue Tears                       Open Mic
Janis Mann/K. Werner            Celestial Anomaly                               Pancake Records
Rene Marie                             I Wanna Be Evil                                  Motema
Nicholas Payton                      Sketches of Spain                              BMF
Pete Rodriguez                       Caminando con Papi                          Destiny
Stowell/Liebman                     Blue Rose                                           Origin
Steve Treseler                                    Center Song                                        CMA
Ben Wanicur                           The Excluded Middle                          self prod
Craig Yaremko                       Organ Trio                                           OA2                