Fun On Foster



fun on foster

KBOO is a proud media partner for Fun On Foster

When: September 24th, 2011 10AM-5PM

Where: SE Foster Road from SE 49th-SE 93rd Ave

From 10am to 5pm this Saturday, Sept 24th,

Foster Road puts itself on display; an opportunity for the residents of FoPo, Lents and Mt. Scott-Arlete to demonstrate their pride; a show for the rest of Portland to see.  

Fun on Foster, the annual street festival organized by the Foster Area Business Association (FABA), should be bigger and better this year, just as it was the year prior, and the year before that.

What can we look forward to?

First, sidewalk sales will be dotted along Foster, from 92nd to 50th.  Then there will be food…lots of it (you know where the good stuff will be).

 There will also be live music performed at three different locations: the food cart pod at 52nd, Laurelwood Park, and at Lents Commons on 92nd.

There will also be a block party on 60th and Foster, between Meticon Bikes and Torta-Landia.  

Finally, the annual cruise-in will take place at 93rd.  And these are just the highlights.  

The majority of businesses along Foster will host their own event and/or demonstration, with many offering snacks, music, and discounted products.

This is a bigger event than in years past.  The festivities stretch beyond 82nd this year, and will better tie in the various neighborhoods that Foster Road runs through.  

It appears that more businesses are participating, too.  Come support these businesses and show off your FoPo (or Lents; or Mt. Scott-Arleta) pride.  

For a list of all the activities, click here or go to the Foster Area Business Association website.


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