10 Years in Afghanistan: End the Wars-Bring Our $$ Home



10 years afghanistan

KBOO is a proud media sponsor for 10 Years in Afghanistan: End the Wars ~ Bring the $$ Home

October 15, 2011 event to tie the economy to America's ongoing wars

On Saturday, October 15, 2011, there will be an action protesting the 10th anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan. The event begins with a rally at 1 PM in Shemanski Park (South Park Blocks at Salmon St), and a march at 1:30 PM will bring participants to the First Unitarian Church for a 2:30 PM forum. The theme of the event will be "10 Years in Afghanistan: End the Wars-Bring Our $$ Home." Speakers at the rally and forum will also address these topics:

--Self Determination for the Middle East
--End Militarism
--Money for Jobs and Health Care
--Protect Human and Civil Rights

October 15 has also been picked as a day of national action by the United National Antiwar campaign (http://nepajac.org/oct15page1.htm).

Cosponsors of the Portland event include Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group, Portland Peaceful Response Coalition, the Peace Action Committee of the First Unitarian Church, Alliance for Democracy-Portland Chapter, Metanoia Peace Community, East Timor Action Network/Portland, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, Portland Jobs with Justice and KBOO Community Radio 90.7 FM (media cosponsor).

Endorsers include Recruiter Watch PDX, Little Light of Mine Friends Worship Group, Jewish Voice for Peace-Portland, Freedom Socialist Party, Women in Black-Portland, Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER), International Socialist Organization and the Portland Alliance (media endorser).

For more information or for your organization to get involved, contact Peace and Justice Works at 503-236-3065.

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