We reached our $50,000 Winter membership drive goal early Friday afternoon.



just a short description

A huge round of thanks to the members, volunteers, food donors and staff who enabled us to reach our $50,000 goal over a day ahead of schedule.  This is the earliest we've ended a drive in years, so we're all really very excited about it.  If you didn't contribute yet, you can still donate here now.

Our hosts and staff produced numerous specials this drive featuring both news, public affairs and music.  This list of specials had been in continuous flux, but not that everything has passed, you can see what happened without worrying if you missed it. You can also view our schedule by day.


KBOO Winter 2011 Membership Drive Specials    (Show me what's aired already)

2 - Dave Frishberg, who'll perform at the Portland Jazz Festival on the 20th, will be in-studio on Jazz in the Afternoon after 2pm.  Long known as one of the outstanding pianists in jazz, Frishberg has also established himself as an internationally recognized composer and lyricist as well as a solo performer with a loyal following.

3 - Distinguished writer Alice Hoffman is on Between the Covers talking about her new book, The Red Garden, a collection of linked fictions about a small town in Massachusetts where a garden holds the secrets of many lives.

3 - Celebrate the world of Afrobeat with DJ Charlie.  He'll start with the most famous musician in all of Africa, Fela Kuti and will feature other members of the Fela family, including Fema Kuti and Seun Kuti.  Other legendary Nigerian musicians such as Tony Allen, Sonny Okosun, Funsho Ogundipe, and the incredible band, Antibalas will round out this 4-hour special.

3 - Here's a new one for us - 3 hours of David Bowie, featuring live and rare material and much more.

4 - It's News &  Public Affairs Day!  Speakers will include Chris Hedges, author of The Death of the Liberal Class, Dick Gregory, comedian and social activist, Michael Parenti, professor and author of numerous books, author and teacher Mark Crispin Miller, with a tribute to the late Chalmers Johnson and much, much more.

5 - On Bread &  Roses, it's The Vagina Monologues, a play created by Eve Ensler, which has ignited a global V-Day movement to stop violence against women and girls. Hear how this political theater has broken taboos and transformed pain to power around the world, plus details about the upcoming PCC  performance.


These Winter membership drive specials have already aired, click the links to get to a show's homepage to search for any available audio:

27 - Hear veteran journalist Reese Erlich on Voices from the Edge talk about his experience actually talking (imagine!) to some of the people vilified by our government as terrorists.  His new book is Conversations with Terrorists: Middle East Leaders on Politics, Violence and Empire.

27 - Presswatch host Theresa Mitchell speaks with Paul Pierson, co-author with Jacob Hacker of Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class. They demonstrate that runaway inequality and the present economic crisis reflect what government has done to aid the rich and what it has not done to safeguard the interests of the middle class.

27 - A Deeper Look explores 'the right wing of killing' with Stephan Salisbury, culture writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer and author of the powerful book Mohamed's Ghost.

27 - Tune in to Between the Covers to hear William Gibson, whose book Necromancer launched the cyberpunk generation, talk about his latest novel, ZeroHistory.

27 - You DON'T want to miss jamilah honoring 'amazing mr. please please himself', 'soul brother no. 1', the 'hardest working man in show business'... JAMES BROWN!  the man who told you to get on up, on Guess Who's Coming to Radio.

27 - Straight from their gig next door, Active Listening features Max Ribner and his horn as well as Mosley Wotta.

28 - Get up early to hear Al Stewart on Dawnbreaker's Breakdown. A marvellous songwriter storyteller and performer, Al weaves tales incorporating intriguing historical people and events.

28 - This month's One Land Many Voices highlights Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University. He'll speak about the history of the Palestinian struggle for national self-determination.

28 - The Friday Radiozine features Chris Williams, author of Ecology and Socialism, who will talk about building social movements for environmental justice.

28 - Bread & Roses addresses Portland's women-powered dragon boat craze. Go listen!

29 - Welcome to the Pickathon!  We've been a proud co-sponsor of the Pickathon for over ten years.  Zale Schoenborn, the creator and producer of the Pickathon, will be a special guest co-host with Rachel and Justin from 'Music From the True Vine' for two hours of fantastic live music from the festival itself.

30 - Astral Traveling interviews the legendary jazz-funk pianist Brian Auger. Learn about London's early 60s mod scene, the creation of Auger's renowned Hammond B-3 sound and much more.

 31 - Wake up with More Talk Radio to hear Danielle Nierenberg about State of the World 2011: Innovations that Nourish the Planet. Danielle is an expert in sustainable agriculture and a senior researcher for the Worldwatch Institute, an environmental policy organization based in Washington DC.

31 - The Old Mole Variety Hour addresses economic apartheid in America, the new Portlandia TV series and the African Festival of films.

31 - The world's most dangerous membership drive special (Desolo Luna Vox Theatrum).

1 - Yeah, it's late (or early), but the Vinyl Pajama Party is featuring Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett (Genesis), but only their work after departing the band.

1 - The Melting Pot brings you various Interchill Records artists, including Bluetech, Gaudi and Kaya Project.

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<p>Thank you to all of our listeners and those who support free communication!</p>