Portland Rising - March and Rally for Jobs and Benefits, No Cuts!


march rally

KBOO is a proud media sponsor for Portland Rising - March and Rally for Jobs and Benefits

March and Rally for Jobs and Benefits, No Cuts!

Saturday, April 16 - 12 Noon
Pioneer Square - 6th and SW Broadway

Working people are standing up all across the country!  Join us on April 16 at the next big Portland mobilization where we stand for good jobs and a strong safety net.  Mark you calendar.  If you are on Facebook, RSVP here.

With millions of Americans unemployed, underemployed and underpaid, we need a national jobs program to put people back to work.  We need to keep our safety net strong – And we need to support efforts of workers to maintain family wage jobs.

As we see in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and across the country, working people are being scapegoated for the dismal state of the economy.  Meanwhile Wall Street and its corporate allies – the actual cause of the current crisis – are let off the hook while they rake in billions in profits and bonuses.

Instead of addressing the real crisis in this country – jobs – Congress and their corporate allies push cuts in programs that benefit working people like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.  While tens of thousands of Oregonians are expected to lose their unemployment benefits by April, Congress talks about cutting the safety net.

This must change!  Its time to hit the streets!

On April 16, hundreds if not thousands of community members from all walks of life will join together to stand for jobs and benefits, not cuts.  The march and rally will be in the spirit of Wisconsin – family friendly and strong in spirit.

Bring your friends and family.  Bring your banners and signs.  Wear your colors.  Make your voice heard.  Join us.

Help get the word out.  Please distribute this email widely. Become a


.  Distribute leaflets.  Volunteer. 

Download our flyer

and help distribute.


To sponsor, volunteer or for more information, call Chris at Jobs with Justice – 503.236.5573 or go to www.jwjpdx.org.


Sponsors: Jobs with Justice -  AFSCME Council 75  - AFSCME Local 189- AFSCME Local 3135 - AFSCME Local  328 - AFSCME Local 88 - Ainsworth United Church of Christ - Alliance for Democracy - Amalgamated Transit Union 757 - CWA Local 7901 - East Timor Action Network, Portland - Economic Justice Action Group of the First Unitarian Church – Enlace - Graphic Communications Conference Local 767M - IAM Lodge 1005 -  IBEW Local 48 - ILWU Local 5 - ILWU Columbia River Pensioners - Inland Boatmans Union of the Pacific – International Union of Painters and Allied Trades Local 10 - International Socialist Organization - Jewish Voice for Peace - KBOO 90.7 FM - Laborers Int Union 483  - Metanoia Peace Community - NALC Branch 82 - National Lawyers Guild, Portland - Northwest Labor Council, AFL-CIO - OFNHP Local 5017 - OPAL Environmental Justice - Oregon AFL-CIO - Oregon Education Association - Oregon Fair Trade Campaign - Oregon Progressive Party - Oregon Working Families Party - Oregonians for Renewable Energy Payments - PCASC - pdxjustice Media Productions - Portland Alliance - Portland Association of Teachers - Portland Firefighters Association Local 43 - PSU-American Association of University Professors - Right to Survive - Rural Organizing Project – SEIU Local 49 – SEIU 503  – Social Justice Council 1st Unitarian Church - St. Francis of Assisi Church - Street Roots - Teamsters 206 - UFCW Local 555 – UNITE HERE local 9 - Womens International League for Peace and Freedom - Witness for Peace - Workers Action

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