Spring Membership Drive


The final drive of the fiscal year! Support our community station to keep it financially strong.

5/14 - 5PM UPDATE: We're only $10k from our total goal.  Help us close the drive down earlyDonate here.


Between Thursday April 29 and Saturday May 15, our generous and loyal listeners and volunteers will raise $95,000 for KBOO so we can stay on budget this year.  We raise our annual budget each and every year, with contributions from our membership accounting for nearly 80% of that money.  So it's important to do your part since you value KBOO.

Our hosts and staff are producing numerous specials this drive featuring both news, public affairs and music.  This list of specials is in continuous flux, so check back often for updates.  Or just check our schedule by day.


KBOO 2010 Spring Membership Drive Specials    (Show me what's aired already)


Spring membership drive specials have already aired, click the available link to get to the show's homepage to search for any available audio :

April 29 - On a special hour-long Presswatch, Theresa Mitchell interviewed Pratap Chatterjee about his new book,  Halliburton's Army: How a Well-Connected Texas Oil Company Revolutionized the Way America Makes War.

April 29 -  Why not start the membership drive with a story of intrigue set in a 16th century Italian convent?  Curious?  Tune in to Between the Covers to hear Sarah Dunant, author of Sacred Hearts.

April 29 - It's the Guess Who's Coming To Radio Rebel Special!  What does  that mean?  Tune in to find out.

April 29  - Active Listening pays tribute to the late great Guru of Gang Starr fame

April 30 - One Land Many Voices features Saree Makdisi, author of Romantic Imperialism: Universal Empire and the Culture of Modernity, and Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation.

April 30 - What if hundreds of black people descended on the Capital armed with automatic weapons speaking of revolution against the government?  Would they be patriotic defenders of liberty or a dangerous threat?  These and other question were asked by Tim Wise in an article that he'll discuss this morning with Kathleen Stephenson.

 April 30 - Hear an interview with Michelle Shocked on tonight's Bread &  Roses, as well as a celebration of National Poetry Month.

April 30 - An International Children's Day music special?  And why not?  Details...

May 1 - The Grateful Dead marathon.  More and less what it sounds like, plus it's all listener requests today.

May 2 - Have a bissel nosh while you listen to Vagabond Opera on the Yiddish Hour.

May 2 - Astral Traveling launches the "A Moment With A Mentor" series, with an interview of master trombonist Phil Ranelin.

May 3 - Wake up early to hear Anna Lap pe speak about her latest book  Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do about It on More Talk Radio.

May 3 - The Moles address climate change – is it a gradual adjustment or looming catastrophe?

May 3 - Does Portland have a food czar?  Should it?  (Why czar?)   Hear the answers on  Locus Focus with Steve Cohen from the City of Portland's Food Policy and Programs Office.

May 3 - Healthwatch presents Jonathan Safran Foer, who will discuss his first book of nonfiction, Eating Animals.

May 3 - Madness Radio will talk about alternative community-based therapy for 'psychotic' crise.

May 3 - It's all about women in early country music on today's Noontime Jamboree. You'll hear Patsy MontanaRose Maddox, and Dale Evans, as well as many more obscure gems.

May 3 - The long anticipated and very overdue HOUR OF THE KITTEN debuts tonight on The UBU  Hour!!  Plus a re-airing of THE DARKNESS and several other things still in development to ensure the freshest possible show.

May 4 - For over 20 years, Alternative Radio has provided information, analyses and views that are frequently ignored or distorted in other media.  But not at KBOO, we love it.  This week we'll bring you Noam Chomsky.

May 4 - Stage & Studio features McKinley's Gracie and the Atom at Artists Repertory Theatre and Aaron Meyer's new debut CD "Warming."

May 4 - Do you Shpongle?  Yes, Shpongle.  Don't know what that means?  The Melting Pot can help you...tonight!

May 5 - Pastures of Plenty brings you the extraordinary music of Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer.

May 5 - Talk radio features Sandra Steingraber, internationally recognized authority on environmental links to cancer and reproductive health, about the new edition of her contemporary classic, Living Downstream: An Ecologist's Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment.

May 5 - Per Fagereng interviews economist and best-selling author Loretta Napoleoni about her new book, How the War on Terror is Bankrupting the World , which traces the link between the finances of the war on terror and the global economic crisis.

May 5 - Fascists are organizing in Portland.  Honest.  Circle A Radio discusses the current rise in fascist activity and resistance to it with a member of the Portland chapter of Anti Racist Action.

May 5 Haley Bonar returns to Drinking from Puddles , tonight ONLY!

May 6 - Everyone needs a little Michael Parenti sometimes, and today's your chance.  Fight the Empirefeatures the 2nd half of an interview about his latest book, God and His Demons.

May 6 - Reggae Bob and friends host a history of reggae special featuring with early ska and R & B, lover's reggae, the rise of political and social music, and newer forms of modern reggae such as hiphop and dancehall.

May 6 - Like a mystery?  Set to music?  Tonight's Paula's Picks has both for you.

May 7 - ALL DAY News and Public Affairs Day: Fighting Corporate Power: Since when did corporations become more powerful than people?  Day includes Paul Cienfuegos, David Cobb, Joseph Stiglitz and much much more.

May 7 - Got chickens?  Want chickens?  Or just like them?  Listen to the chicken special on Bread & Roses.

May 7 - Enjoy an all-night psychedelic music freak out with Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention. See the latest from the Utility Muffin Research Kitchen, have a burnt weenie sandwich and support community radio.  Your Mother would want you to.

May 10 - Today, Dr. David Naimon brings Dr. Daniel Amen back to Healthwatch.  They'll talk about the latest research showing how the key to a healthier body is a healthy brain.  Is your brain healthy?

May 10 - Calling all Dan Hicks fans!  We're presenting 2 hours of extremely rare Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks air checks, lost interviews from KBOO's own past, and other eclectabilia.

May 11 - If you've never heard award-winning author Arundhati Roy speak, you're in luck becuase today's Alternative Radio features her for a whole hour.  Howard Zinn praised her "powerful commitment to social justice."

May 11 - Country music singer Chely Wright recently came out as a lesbian, sort of a no-no in that genre. The next Curve magazine has an interview with her, but in a special collaboration with KBOO, you can hear excerpts on tonight's Out Loud.

May 12 - What images leap to mind when you hear 'Black Panthers?' If it's not free food or medical care for school children then you really need to listen to David Hilliard, a Black Panther founder, speaking on his new book The Black Panthers Community Service Projects.

May 12 - Ready to get planting?  Need a little advice?  Always wanted to know about parthenocarpy?  Listen to The Dirtbag for all sorts of helpful tips.

May 12 - Jazz in the Afternoon features great bass player Paul Chambers.  There will also be several other local musicians (Glen Moore, Dan Schulte, and Ed Bennett.) discussing the role of the bass in music.

May13 - Ray guns, sonic blasts and more; your government and crowd control.  Learn all about the new frontiers in pain compliance and how new technologies are being used in the US against demonstrators on A Deeper Look.

May 13 - STEVIE! STEVIE! STEVIE! (Wonder) and nothin' but for five solid hours.  It's a drive special Guess Who's Coming to Radio?

May 14 - High-energy particle physics, the unification of forces, the mystery of dark matter, the nature of mass and more all in just 30 minutes on The Digital Divide.

May 14 - Ever hear of Pete Seeger?  No, the folk singer, musican and activist blacklisted by the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.  Anyway, today's Movin' On celebrates his life's work (60+  albums!), including in specific a 1965 concert recording that was never released...until now.

Topic tags: 


It would have been helpful to have the time listed for your specials,  especially for us old fogies who are greatly missing our KBOO guides and are used to checking them all the time to make sure we aren't missing anything. That was the one piece of mail I looked forward to every month.
\As I mentioned this morning when I called in our pledge we invite your early morning crew into our bedroom every morning and they help us face the new day.  It's a special treat when someone concentrates on sea chanties. What a rollicking good morning.
Thanks for staying non-commercial-I would add more to my pledge if it would bring back my KBOO guide. sh

<p>You can see the times of the specials by clicking on the links provided in each special. We're working on improved views for the schedule, episodes and specials. Thanks for you support and helping to make this happen.</p>

<p>&nbsp;As the one who has primarily maintained this page, I intentionally omitted the times to encourage people even remotely interested in the content to click through to the full description, where the times are posted. &nbsp;This is the first critique of this approach, and if a critical mass occur, I'll likely change this in the future. &nbsp;Any one else?</p>


Nice Post

good post

it is a good post

Joe Clement's picture

<p>What is with the "update" at the top, dated May the 14th, that suggests that $85,000 has already been donated before the drive has even started?</p>

<p>Hi Joe -</p>
<p>This page is from last year's spring fund drive. If only $85K has already been donated -- we'd be having a *short* fund drive!</p>
<p>As you probably know, this year's Spring Membership Drive starts on Thursday, April 28, and runs until May 14. We have a goal of $90,700.&nbsp; We have some great programming planned. Information about it should be posted by tomorrow.... vj</p>