Presswatch interviews Kanellos, the Dog of Justice


Kanellos expounds on the Greek crisis

This morning I "interviewed" Kanellos for Membership Drive.  Engineer Emily Young "translated" (Thanks Em!).  If you missed it, here is the transcript:


T: Good morning, or rather good evening there in Athens, Kanellos!

FX:  Bark!

T: I'm glad you could join us.  Kanellos, as everyone knows, has been called the Riot Dog and the Greek Dog of Justice for his consistent appearances at many Greek protests.  It seems that when the people of Greece are in the streets, Kanellos is there, expressing his solidarity.

FX: Bark.

T: And also getting snacks, as you say.  Kanellos, here in the US, not everyone is aware of why people in Greece are protesting,  Can you give us a brief heads up?

FX:  Whine, bark

T: It is a bad situation.  As the World Socialists website points out,

"The law raises women’s retirement age from 60 to 65, to match the age for men, and raises the required pay-in period to receive a full pension from 35 to 40 years. It institutes a 6 percent pension cut penalty for every missing year. The government aims to raise the effective average retirement age from 61.4 currently to 63.5 by 2015, while still allowing the government to assess penalties for early retirement."

As you mentioned, Kanellos, "The basic state monthly pension is to be cut 10 percent, from €400 to €360 (roughly US$450 at current exchange rates). Retirees often supplement the state pension with savings organised through their workplaces, though several of these pension funds have gone bankrupt and have been taken over by the state. The 13 pension funds now run by the state will be merged into 3 by 2018 to “generate savings,” that is, cut pensions."

FX: Bark

T:  I'm glad you pointed that out, that this is all due to the same sort of predatory gambling by the super-rich that we have suffered here in the US.  We're expecting similar announcements soon, probably in the form of a "mandatory savings plan" or some such crap.  It's against the dognity of the people.

FX: whine

T:  Oh yes, you're right, it will simply be a tax to cover the massive bailout of the bankster class. 

FX: growl

T:  Well, Kanellos, it's the pernicious effect of decades of monopoly media conditioning here in the US, otherwise I think the US people would rise up. I hope that Greek dogs and people are able to push back the idea that the people should suffer for the excesses of the rich.

FX: whine

T: Yes, the police are in the hands of the ruling class here, also.

FX: Bark!  Bark!

T:  You've told off the Greek police on several occasions, though I understand you've been strictly nonviolent/

FX: growl

T:  Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that!

FX:  Bark bark bark!

T:  Yes I understand, you have another demonstration to attend.  Well, I'd like to thank you for taking the time for an international telephone interview, Kanellos, and I wish you luck in further endeavors.

FX:  Bark!

T:  That was Kanellos the Greek Riot dog, joining us via phone from Athens, Greece.


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