PLO executive committee approves new peace talks with Israel - Haaretz May 8 2010


PLO executive committee approves new peace talks with Israel - Haaretz May 8 2010

In his prepared remarks last month,Akiva Tor refered to a cabinet meeting taking place the same day.  The next day there were press reports of Israeli concessions on building in East Jerusalem ... something I reported on in the April 28th Shalom Portland broadcast. 

I can only hope that this is a serious re-opening of peace talks.  If you read the entire article, you will see that Hamas has already reacted against this PA decision.

From today's Haaretz, Israel's largest newspaper.  You can read the entire feature at


The Palestinian Authority on Saturday got the green light to restart peace talks with Israel after the PLO's executive committee voted to approve indirect negotiations.

At a meeting in Ramallah in the West Bank, Palestinian Liberation Organization officials backed a motion for the first talks between the sides in 18 months, to be brokered by United States peace envoy George Mitchell.

PLO spokesman  Yasser Abed Rabbo said after the meeting that the vote marked the official start of the talks.

"The negotiations will take one form: shuttling between President Abu Mazen and the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu," he said.

"As far as we are concerned, the start of the indirect negotiations can be announced today".

.... the article continues further


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