National Rally Against Prop 8 Sat 11/15 in PDX

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We're presented with a rare opportunity to be a positive force in the history of our country, to stand in solidarity with a minority group fighting for its civil rights.  On Saturday, November 15th, protestors will gather in cities across the country to speak out against the anti-gay politics and sentiment of our recent elections, including California's Prop 8.  Please check out the following link:
As a lesbian, I'm personally moved by the words of Joe Solmonese, President of Human Rights Campaign:
"In recent years, I’ve been delivering this positive message: tell your story. Share who you are.  And in fact, as our families become more familiar, support for us increases. But make no mistake: I do not think we have to audition for equality.  Rather, I believe that each and every one of us who has been hurt by this hateful ballot measure, and each and every one of us who is still fighting to be equal, has to confront the neighbors who hurt us.  We have to say to the man with the Yes on 8 sign—you disrespected my humanity, and I am not giving you a pass.  I am not giving you a pass for explaining that you tolerate me, while at the same time denying that my family has a right to exist.  I do not give you permission to say you have me as a 'gay friend' when you cast a vote against my family, and my rights. 
Wherever you are, tell a neighbor what the California Supreme Court so wisely affirmed: that you are equal, you are human, and that being denied equality harms you materially.  Although I, like our whole community, am shaken by Prop 8’s passage, I am not yet ready to believe that anyone who knows us as human beings and understands what is at stake would consciously vote to harm us."
I plan to attend Portland's protest, this Saturday, November 15 at 10:30 am.  Please join me.  Here is a link with scheduling details below, for your information and to pass on to all your colleagues, friends, and family: