Like W, but with ambition


 Rolling Stone just put on an article on Sen McCain, which is as damning and devastating as most any piece of journalism I can recall. St. John is revealed as a short-tempered, misogynistic narcissist who differs from Dubya primarily on the basis of his ambition. Oh yeah, Dubya is apparently a better pilot.

Most of all the piece completely deconstructs the ubiquitous Maverick Myth that McCain has deployed around himself like armor. There is nothing there at all. He has backtracked and and sold out every one of his vaunted principals, flip-flopped on virtually every issue on which he has claimed to be resolute -- campaign finance, kowtowing to secial interests, his position on the war, and on and on. Even on torture, an issue that carries street cred for him, he cravenly helped broker a deal with the White House that effectively annuls the Geneva Conventions.

McCain is a liar and a fraud. Worse, he's a dangerous and aggressive ideologue with twin Napoleon and Daddy complexes. You think Dubya has been a disaster? McCain would the same or worse -- only smarter and more belligerent.
