FNB Politics



Apropos of my earlier post, here's Rick Perstein from March 2007:

... Rush Limbaugh calls the insufficiently martial Iraq Study Group “James Baker’s Fruit Salad.” To those with good memories who pay very close attention, this is a reference to the former secretary of state’s preference that the report be considered in its entirety rather than picked over like a fruit salad. But, to right-wingers who’ve forgotten that (the lion’s share, no doubt), the nickname made just as much sense. The report recommended diplomacy. Isn’t that kind of … fruity? And, in a nod to Ailes, Limbaugh has taken to calling Fox News’s chief competitor “PMSNBC.”

The only Democratic leaders who aren’t feminized, of course, are the women. With them, it’s just the opposite. Limbaugh has a phrase he uses to explain why, supposedly, Hillary Clinton is never questioned aggressively: She produces a “testicle lockbox” into which male reporters must deposit their manhood. Nancy Pelosi, in Rush-speak, is “Bella Pelosi,” a nice two-for-the-price-of-one slur: For Dittoheads nostalgic for the 1970s, it suggests the mannishness of the loudmouthed New York liberal congresswoman Bella Abzug; for the rest, the homophonology is to Bella Lugosi—the Democratic leader is Dracula.

Read the whole thing. It's well worth it.

It's the corollary of the racist code I was talking about earlier. As Perlstein points out, the Right wins elections by rendering the Left's the Center's candidates unpalatable -- whether it's by invoking his Scary Blackness or her Butch Manliness.

Why should we care about this bullshit, as you have asked many times on the radio? Why don't we talk about the business end of imperialism and the violence and injustice being wrought everywhere? Because this bullshit works, and it results in halfwits and their undead puppetmasters occupying the halls of power. And then they are free to do what they will.



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