Upcoming Web Trainings!


KBOO is open to the public! To visit the station, contact your staff person or call 503-231-8032.

These trainings might be for you! Enhance & improve your web skills for KBOO! Learn new things!

Wanting to enhance and improve your skills in working with the KBOO website? Are you an active volunteer? Then these trainings might be for you! All trainings are from 7-8:30 PM.

Sign up by the Receptionist's Desk!

Radio and the Digital Age
Monday April 18th, 7pm - 8:30pm, Led by VJ Beauchamp
We will present an overview of how new forms of media are changing the way we interact with Radio, and what this means for KBOO. Program hosts and volunteers are invited to attend and find out how our station and your show can make sure we stay relevant in the era of iPods, blogs, and social networks.

Finding graphics for your web postings
Wednesday April 27th, 7pm - 8:30pm, Led by VJ Beauchamp
Unless you own a lot of varied photographs and illustrations, you will need to rely on the kindness of the interwebs. Here's how to do it in a legal, non-stealing manner. We'll talk about where to find legal-to-use graphics, and how our content management system works with them.

Writing for the web
Monday May 2nd, 7pm - 8:30pm, Led by VJ Beauchamp
Writing for the web is much different than writing for print, and most likely different than how you learned to write in school. We'll give you a brief overview of how to write lively text for the web.

Photo, Startup hiring at Caltrain station, by Richard Masoner